Market Update December 2025

There is some positive news in the market with values creeping up for feed grains in December as imported offers seem to be less available than was previously the case.  This is valuing feed wheat at around £290 ex farm with barley and oats discounted to this price.

Beans remain a challenge with only one feed mill being a user of beans which is frustrating as several tell us they want to improve their use of domestic protein.

We have a really great milling wheat opportunity coming up next year with a UK baker committing to using organic wheat in their products.  This will provide a large volume market and good opportunities for UK grown milling wheat with far less price competition from imported wheat and an opportunity to invest in your milling wheat crops as there will be a willing buyer (subject to quality).  We will be seeking to establish some additional support to those growers supplying this market to help improve and encourage more milling wheat production.