Hi All, slightly overdue but please find access to the presentations that were delivered on the day. You can find Andrew's market report, the two breeders presentations by Michael from LSPB and Robin from IBERS, the ORC presentation by Henrietta on the SeedLinked app for farm trial farmer data collection and the excellent presentation slides delivered by Chris from the PGRO.
You can also find my agronomy presentation that I only partially delivered that has all the information and my attempts to answer all your questions included. I have alos updated it having attended a PGRO event on diseases and pests of peas and beans. If you would like to discuss it any further please don't hesitate to get in touch. The first couple of slides set the scene to the event and are my attempt at synthesising the mini workshop we had on Challenges & Opportunities. There are also a few slides at the end to outline what the on-farm cultivar evaluation trials under the "LiveBean" moniker could look like.
We are currently setting up our Spring bean variety trials and would like to ask if any spring bean growers who would be willing and interested to take part please get in touch as soon as possible.
AT LIveseeding kick off presentation.mp4
PGRO Bean Knowledge Transfer Meeting 2023.pptx
LSPB Organic Arable 2.pptx
IBERS Organic_arable_know_share_Feb_23.pdf
ORC LiveSeeding-LiveBeanKOM.pptx
DA Bean Agronomy 1.2.23 - update.pptx